Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Window Star

This is a new window star that I made using kite paper. It is made up of 8 stars of varying sizes: 3 stars in the smallest size, 3 stars in the medium size, and 3 stars in the largest size. Each point of the stars uses the same pattern that has 8 folds.

With 8 points (per star) multiplied by 8 folds per point multiplied by the number of stars in each grouping (see table below), it took a total of 512 folds to make this star. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Baby Chickadees!

 The baby black-capped chickadees are hungry and waiting for Mama Chickadee to return with breakfast.

Monday, June 13, 2022


The pears are starting to grow. In a few months, they will be ripe and delicious. We use no chemicals on the fruit trees - or anywhere on our property, for that matter - so they can be eaten directly from the tree.

Sunday, June 12, 2022


As much as I dislike thistle, there are insects that benefit from this plant. The goal, though, is to cut these flowers off just before they start to go to seed. Otherwise, there will be even more patches of thistle which would not be good.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Wild Columbine

This columbine is a native plant and is both in our gardens and under the pine trees on the east side of the farm. They also can be seen in ditches unless the city does an early mowing and cuts them down. It's unfortunate when they do this. Not only are these plants cut, but native milkweed - which monarchs depend on - are also destroyed.

Friday, June 10, 2022


A couple years ago, I planted a honeysuckle for the hummingbirds. This year, the flowers are prolific. I'm hoping that the hummingbirds find the honeysuckle and use it as one of their food sources. Bees and bumblebees also visit the honeysuckle.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Prairie Smoke

The Prairie Smoke has moved to the stage where its plumes look like smoke. This is one of my favorite native plants. They are doing exceptionally well this year.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Eastern Bluestar

The Eastern Bluestar - a native perennial - is blooming. I love its delicate flowers and subtle blue coloring. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Public Art in London - Day 8

Upon returning to London from Scotland, I had some time to explore eastern London. This was an unexpected surprise with the amount of public art - sculptures, impromptu art that has turned permanent, and murals. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Edinburgh - Day 7

On the seventh day of our England-Scotland trip, we spent time in Edinburgh. Enjoyed hearing the bagpipers and seeing the beauty of St. Giles Cathedral.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Portobello, Scotland - Day 6

About 20 minutes from Edinburgh is the city of Portobello. It is along the North Sea and quite beautiful. Locals and tourists alike come to the beach to relax, swim, and sail. 

Edinburgh, Scotland - Day 6

After taking the train from London to Edinburgh, we explored Calton Hill. There were many historical buildings on the hill along with a stunning view of the city. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

London - Day 5

 A highlight of Friday was seeing Westminster Abbey and attending a service in the late-afternoon.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

London - Day 4

Olivia and I visited the Globe Theatre today. The fence had a variety of animal sculptures. Afterwards, we went to Tate Modern and then to St. Paul Cathedral where we climbed up to the top - all 528 steps!